diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

- Uni Stuff. Loop

Alguna vegada, els professors entren en un bucle... i se'ls ha d'ajudar a "Finalizar Tarea"

"We buy..."
"We buy..."
"We buy..."
"Let's see if I have uncloged him"

Sometimes, the teachers get stuck in a loop... and you have to help them "End Task"

- Uni Stuff. Physics and Economy

Després de la descoberta que els neutrins superen la velocitat de la llum, hi ha certes afirmacions que s'han de pensar dues vegades abans de posar un exemple a classe.

"What's more scientific: economy or physics?"
"Well, it's well-known that nowadays you have to believe in God to be a scientist."

After the big discovery that certain particles of matter can travel faster than the speed of light, there are certain sentences we have to take into consideration before using them as an example.